#WeAreWeingart - Meet Cory Pepper
Cory Pepper entered the Weingart Center on January 3, 2019. Earlier that day, he was released from state prison. Sentenced to a term of 15 years-to-Life at the age of 16, Cory was found suitable for release after serving sixteen years.
After his release, Cory was welcomed into the Weingart Center. This was the beginning of a new life for Cory, having found a new support network in a society and community that was extremely new and strange to him.
As a result of his stay at the Weingart Center, coupled with a drive to give back to the community, Cory now works full-time at a nonprofit agency that is geared toward helping system-impacted juveniles with supportive housing, education initiatives, and employment opportunities.
For more about Cory and his truly incredible success story, check out the video provided below.