Verified Sightings

Sighting #1 — Tree Trimming Event (Seniors & Senior Veterans)
Date: November 29, 2023
Location: 11010 smB
JoyCatchers donated Mini Tree Decoration Kits to residents of 11010 smB, Weingart Center’s Permanent Supportive Housing for seniors and senior Veterans.
The Weingart Wiffle was spotted checking out the decoration kits and eyeing the hot cocoa. It’s such a cutie!

Sighting #2 — Tree Trimming Event (Women’s Bridge housing)
Date: December 08, 2023
Location: Women’s Enhanced Bridge Housing Program
The Weingart Wiffle had the ladies in our Women’s Enhanced Bridge Housing Program smiling as they decorated the tree on their floor in our main campus building.

Sighting #3 — Access Center
Date: December 08, 2023
Location: Access Center
The Weingart Wiffle got to see help-in-action as our Access Center Program Manager, LaQueshia, helped sign in someone coming in off the street. It also got to witness a little holiday decor going up.

Sighting #4 — Tree Trimming Event (DMH/DHS - 5th Floor)
Date: December 13, 2023
Location: Dept of Health Services (DHS) & Dept of Mental Health (DMH), 5th Floor
The Weingart Wiffle made its way to the fifth floor of our main campus to witness a little tree-trimming cheer. It couldn't help itself, though; the fresh basked muffins distracted him a little.

Sighting #5 — Tree Trimming Event (B7 Bridge Housing Program)
Date: December 15, 2023
Location: B7 Reentry Floor
Weingart Wiffle was overjoyed that someone finally untangled all those lights. As the Wiffle waits patiently for the lights to go on, residents of our B7 Bridge Housing Program decorate their dayroom and tree in a gingerbread theme.

Sighting #6 — Bingo & Pizza Party (DMH/DHS - 10th Floor)
Date: December 15, 2023
Location: Dept of Health Services (DHS) & Dept of Mental Health (DMH), 10th Floor
Weingart Wiffle popped into the 10th floor dayroom to check out the Bingo & Pizza Party going on. You could almost hear it saying, ”Pizza AND Bingo! No way! That sounds super fun!”

Sighting #7 — Cocoa Pong (B7 Bridge Housing Program )
Date: December 29, 2023
Location: B7 Reentry Floor
When Weingart Wiffle heard about a spirited game of Cocoa Pong, it had to stop by the B7 Bridge Housing floor to cheer on the players. Players took turns bouncing a ping pong ball into a sea of hand-picked, festive mugs. Whichever mug the ball landed in, the client got to keep. Hot cocoa was served along with Subway sandwiches, hot chili, and more. Wiffle also admired the many hand-decorated Ugly Sweater ornaments the clients made.